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October 3rd, 2018


Greetings fellas, it has been a while. Josh and I have been insanely busy, with school, with track and with our strangely burgeoning social life. It has been a slow roll, partly because we have been a bit lazy, partly because we are actually getting used to college life. We both have crazy schedules this semester and are taking above 15 credits.

We have not given up, Bison Josh still survives, however he has taken a pretty steady chill in the background. But fear not, the war still rages and we still seek victory. Swerve 2 is actually progressing nicely, we have no release date to disclose but things are moving steadily forward.

The merchandizing continues, we have our line of apparel and sundry Chaitanic gear. Please feel free to email us, any time and any day.

So much love,

Your boys from Chaitanic.


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